Mark’s Quick Review: Dream Theater’s – Distance Over Time
Well. For me the Astonishing was astonishingly bad. It is, to this day, only concert I ever walked out of. I feel sad about that. Because here is a band trying to do something different and that should be applauded. Instead, it was met with disdain from me. ...
Mark’s Quick Review: Astrolabe’s – The Hermit, The Fool And The Hanged Man
Check out what Neo Prog fan Mark Monforti and owner of thinks of Mark’s Quick Reviews: Astrolabe’s – The Hermit, The Fool And The Hanged Man. Then request it on the site.
Mark’s Quick Review: 25 Yard Screamer’s – Keep Sending Signals
The album with consists of a few bright moments but not enough for me to recommend the album. The recording seems muted and flat. Its all vocals and symbols. This album has some songs from their first CD they ever came up with and I can't help feel like they did...
Mark’s Quick Review: Karikus’ – The Fold
This is a band I probably should have heard of before this their fifth album. They have played Crescendo and Night of the Prog. This concept album based on a cinematic narrative approach which is really right where I like my music to be. My favorite album of...
Mark’s Quick Review: RPWL’s – Tales From Outer Space
RPWL is one of my favorite bands, period. I have seen them perform in three different countries, so I was super excited to get this album two months early. The band rarely disappoints. The album starts out with a great opening track called A New World which has...
Mark’s Quick Review: Nauticus’ – Disappear in Blue.
Check this out this album is like mellow doom metal. This band from Turcu. So in that way I love that this band really has defined their own sound. That sound really is not something I am falling in love with at this point. They maybe were trying to get a sound that...