Review: Nordic Giants – A Seance of Dark Delusions
Band: Nordic Giants Album: A Seance of Dark Delusions Reviewer: Joe from When Prog and Power Unite Audio Review Nordic Giants Website Buy on Amazon A Séance of Dark Delusions is the long-awaited debut album from Nordic Giants, a post-rock/prog band from Brighton,...

Review: Gavin Harrison – Cheating the Polygraph
Band: Gavin Harrison Album: Cheating the Polygraph Reviewer: Joe from When Prog and Power Unite Gavin Harrison Website Buy on Amazon Some tribute albums are genuine labors of love. Most feel more like quick cash-ins. Thankfully, Cheating the Polygraph is something...

Review: IZZ – Everlasting Instant
Band: IZZ Album: Everlasting Instant Reviewer: Nick from When Prog and Power Unite IZZ Website Let me start with a confession. Two IZZ releases have come and gone with people suggesting I check them out, and both times I let their albums slip through the cracks. This...

Review: Not a Good Sign – From a Distance
Band: Not a Good Sign Album: From a Distance Reviewer: Joe from When Prog and Power Unite Official Not a Good Sign Website From a Distance is the latest record from Italian retroprog group Not a Good Sign. Fans may remember Not a Good Sign from their well-received...

Review: UFO – A Conspiracy of Stars
Band: UFO Album: A Conspiracy of Stars Reviewer: Joe from When Prog and Power Unite Official UFO Website It’s hard to find a band that have rocked for as long as UFO. While most listeners are familiar with the band’s early work, which was instrumental in helping...

Review: The Gentle Storm – The Diary
Band: The Gentle Storm Album: The Diary Reviewer: Nick from When Prog and Power Unite Official Arjen Lucassen Website Official Anneke van Giersbergen Website Buy on Amazon The Gentle Storm is the newest in a growing list of projects from Dutch...

Review : UPF’s – Fall in Love with the World
…And out of the ashes of Unitopia arises the phoenix named United Progressive Fraternity (UPF), a Mark Trueack led band. Surrounding Mark are some familiar faces from Unitopia as well as two well-known special guests - Steve Hackett and Jon Anderson. The menagerie...

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Mark’s Quick Reviews: Five of the Eyes (5otE)’s – The Venus Transit
If you have never read the key for my ratings below please do so one time. I feel my ratings are tougher than my peers. Also Check my last.fm link to see how compatible our music tasts are. I had a chance to see this band, but they were up against Schooltree at...
Mark’s Quick Reviews: Sonic Sight – Anthropology
If you have never read the key for my ratings below please do so one time. I feel my ratings are tougher than my peers. Also Check my last.fm link to see how compatible our music tasts are. Norway's FINN ARILD is a mutli-instrumentalist and has put together a new band...
Mark’s Quick Reviews: Penna’s – Sublevels
If you have never read the key for my ratings below please do so one time. I feel my ratings are tougher than my peers. Also Check my last.fm link to see how compatible our music tasts are. This is New York multi-instrumentalist David Penna's second release of his...
Mark’s Quick Reviews: Ghostly Breard’s – Infinite
If you have never read the key for my ratings below please do so one time. I feel my ratings are tougher than my peers. Also Check my last.fm link to see how compatible our music tasts are. Patrick Talbot's brain child, Ghostly Beard's third album, is close but no...
Mark’s Quick Reviews: Knight Area’s – Heaven and Beyond
If you have never read the key for my ratings below please do so one time. I feel my ratings are tougher than my peers. Also Check my last.fm link to see how compatible our music tasts are. This is the first album I have reviewed in a while where I knew the band...
Mark’s Quick Reviews: Gregorian Rock’s – Fire
If you have never read the key for my ratings below please do so one time. I feel my ratings are tougher than my peers. Also Check my last.fm link to see how compatible our music tasts are. Well, here is a band that is what it says it is. Yes, it's rock with Gregorian...