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Unitopia – Alive and Kicking

Unitopia is thrilled to announce the upcoming release of their highly anticipated live concert...

Unitopia – Bio

UNITOPIA (yu-nih-to-pi-E): meaning living together as one in a place of ideal perfection...

Unitopia – Links

Official Website Facebook X YouTube Bandcamp's Essentials Instagram...


Mark’s Quick Review:  Styx – The Mission

Mark’s Quick Review: Styx – The Mission

So the album is full of great music. This is their best album since the 1991 album Edge of the Century and that album was very underrated. That tour I saw at a place called the Twitter Center where I believe John Panozzo was married on stage. This album is full of...

Mark’s Quick Review:  Styx – The Mission

Mark’s Quick Review: Kepler Ten – Delta-v

This submission was the first I have heard of this band but it has scored a nice tour with Lonely Robot and has booked a festival. So I thought it time to check them out. There is not to much to say here I was pretty happy with every song but nothing really stood out...

Mark’s Quick Review:  Styx – The Mission

Mark’s Quick Reviews: Fish’s 13th Star

Full disclosure here. I am more a fan of fish than Marillion. That being said I have liked most of his solo releases with the last 5 at least being above average or better. This album is no different again some wonderful crossover prog. I was lucky enough to see some...

Mark’s Quick Review:  Styx – The Mission

Mark’s Quick Review: Able Ganz’s – Able Ganz

So here we are with another band I probably should have heard of before but this was my introduction to this band. This was the album was the album that got them RoSfest and Terra Incognita gigs. So this album as you might suspect is quite good. From the first note of...

Rush’s Alex Lifeson says the band is done

Rush’s Alex Lifeson says the band is done

The words Rush fans have hoped not to hear came from guitarist Alex Lifeson in a recent interview with The Globe And Mail: “It’s been a little over two years since Rush last toured. We have no plans to tour or record any more. We’re basically done. After 41 years, we...

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Upcoming Shows

10:00 am Top Ten Show w/ Chuck Simons
Top Ten Show w/ Chuck Simons
Mar 18 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Top Ten Show w/ Chuck Simons
Sea of Tranquility’s Top Ten Songs by different artists each week. Go to Sea of Tranquility on YouTube and search the artist playing for matching show.
12:00 pm New at Noon
New at Noon
Mar 18 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
New at Noon
Our auto DJ spends an hour spinning the latest prog rock releases.
1:00 pm Game of Prog w/ Chuck Simons – P...
Game of Prog w/ Chuck Simons – P...
Mar 18 @ 1:00 pm – 3:20 pm
Game of Prog w/ Chuck Simons - Part 1
Game of Prog is the continuation of Progrock For Beginners which I feel the name no longer reflects the music we play and the scope of the music has greatly broadened over time.  We will still[...]
3:20 pm Psych Ward w/ Mark Burnell
Psych Ward w/ Mark Burnell
Mar 18 @ 3:20 pm – 5:30 pm
Psych Ward w/ Mark Burnell
“The Psych Ward – the slightly left field little corner of, 100 minutes of psychedelic music from around the globe. Tune in, turn on, freak out.”
5:30 pm Game of Prog w/ Chuck Simons – P...
Game of Prog w/ Chuck Simons – P...
Mar 18 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Game of Prog w/ Chuck Simons - Part 2
Game of Prog is the continuation of Progrock For Beginners which I feel the name no longer reflects the music we play and the scope of the music has greatly broadened over time.  We will still[...]
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