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Upcoming Events

10:00 am Listeners’ Choice
Listeners’ Choice
Mar 7 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Listeners' Choice
Gather in the chat room and make your requests! Just go to the “requests” page on to put in your request. 3 out of 4 songs will be requests during this 2-hour period[...]
12:00 pm New at Noon
New at Noon
Mar 7 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
New at Noon
Our auto DJ spends an hour spinning the latest prog rock releases.
1:00 pm Check it Out w/ DJ Peter Prog
Check it Out w/ DJ Peter Prog
Mar 7 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Check it Out w/ DJ Peter Prog
Featuring My Album Of The Week, The First 3 & so much more. So a 3 hour show with great new progressive rock music, great features and you can join The Friday Family in chat[...]
4:00 pm Fusion Plus w/ Dave
Fusion Plus w/ Dave
Mar 7 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Fusion Plus w/ Dave
“Prog’s first cousin”, it’s Rock/Jazz Fusion, sometimes Proggy, often Japanese, and other related “plus”.
10:00 am The Vault w/ Mark Burnell
The Vault w/ Mark Burnell
Mar 8 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
The Vault w/ Mark Burnell
‘ The Vault – AKA Grateful Dead for beginners. Diving into 30 years of The Grateful Dead ‘
12:00 pm New at Noon
New at Noon
Mar 8 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
New at Noon
Our auto DJ spends an hour spinning the latest prog rock releases.
1:00 pm Prog-Scure w/ DJ Zap Niles
Prog-Scure w/ DJ Zap Niles
Mar 8 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Prog-Scure w/ DJ Zap Niles
As the name implies, the show, “Prog-Scure: Obscure Bands on the Prog-Rock Scene (Past & Present),” focuses on artists that either time has forgotten or current artists who still remain shamefully undiscovered or ignored by the[...]
10:00 pm The Proper Proggy Prog Show w/ J...
The Proper Proggy Prog Show w/ J...
Mar 8 @ 10:00 pm – 11:00 pm
The Proper Proggy Prog Show w/ Jef Bek
THE PROPER PROGGY PROG SHOW aspires each week to present hidden gems, great obscure tracks, innovative prog from the past and present. Covering a wide array of progressive rock styles and sub genres.
12:00 pm New at Noon
New at Noon
Mar 9 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
New at Noon
Our auto DJ spends an hour spinning the latest prog rock releases.
2:00 pm Prog “n” Roll w/ George and Nihal
Prog “n” Roll w/ George and Nihal
Mar 9 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Prog "n" Roll w/ George and Nihal
Do you like classic Rock and Progressive Rock? Monty Python perhaps? Or maybe Tolkien’s works? How about music quizzes and fun games? Are you interested in special tribute shows and / or album and band[...]



Mark’s Quick Review:  Styx – The Mission

Mark’s Quick Review: Styx – The Mission

So the album is full of great music. This is their best album since the 1991 album Edge of the Century and that album was very underrated. That tour I saw at a place called the Twitter Center where I believe John Panozzo was married on stage. This album is full of...

Mark’s Quick Review:  Kepler Ten – Delta-v

Mark’s Quick Review: Kepler Ten – Delta-v

This submission was the first I have heard of this band but it has scored a nice tour with Lonely Robot and has booked a festival. So I thought it time to check them out. There is not to much to say here I was pretty happy with every song but nothing really stood out...

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